DLR SHEETS, NUTS, SCREWS (laminated pressed wood)

DLR SHEETS, NUTS, SCREWS (laminated pressed wood)

DLR is laminated pressed wood made from beech veneer and a special resin that is pressed under high pressure and temperature.


1. Electro industry for oil transformators

2. Mechanics industry, where strong mechanical properties are required

3. Railway industry for rail joints (fishplates). It is much cheaper than fibreglass joints

4. Shipping industry, because it is suitable for strong construction and is resistant to humidity

5. Textile industry, because it has good mechanical properties

6. Foundry and steel industry – good mechanical properties even at high temperatures

7. Sports industry – for construction

1200x2000, 1500x1500, 1720x1720, 1220x2500
10 – 120
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